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Does your expression look worried or angry when your face is resting? Do wrinkles make you feel older than you are? If so, Botox® injection therapy is a simple, effective treatment that can dramatically improve your expression and smooth away wrinkles for a more youthful appearance. Dr. Alexis Hanson, DNP, FNP-C and her team of professionals at Dr. Alexis Aesthetics & Dr. Alexis Health, have the training and expertise to perform Botox® injections that won’t prevent you from making normal expressions. For beautiful, natural results, schedule an appointment by calling the office in Tucson, Arizona at 520-965-3685

Botox Q & A


What is Botox®?

Botox® is a neuromodulator injectable medication that target contracted muscles beneath your skin that cause wrinkles, creases, and expression lines to form. The skilled team of professionals at Dr. Alexis Aesthetics & Dr. Alexis Health uses Botox® to help your expression look younger and more pleasant.


How does Botox work?

Repeated facial expressions like smiling, frowning, and squinting can result in permanently contracted muscles that create wrinkles and creases over time. Botox® neuromodulation injection therapy blocks nerve signals to your muscles, causing them to relax.


The experienced, licensed injector team at Dr. Alexis Aesthetics & Dr. Alexis Health uses Botox® to smooth and rejuvenate your skin without giving your face a “frozen” look.


Which areas can be treated with Botox?

 Botox® reduces the appearance of wrinkles, creases, or lines in the following areas:

  • Forehead

  • Between the eyebrows

  • Crow’s feet

  • Around the lips 

  • Chin


Botox® can also:

  • Brighten your eyes by creating a lift in your eyebrow area.

  • Reduce a “gummy” smile

  • Treat excessive sweating


When will I see results from Botox injections?

Botox® results are typically noticeable within 3-5 days of treatment, with full results visible within 10-14 days


How long will my results from Botox injections last?

Botox® and results last between 3-5 months on average. Touch-up treatments are important to help maintain improvements to your skin for long-lasting wrinkle reduction.


Are Botox injections safe?

Botox® is FDA approved for cosmetic use and considered safe, effective treatments for wrinkles and lines caused by repetitive facial expression. You may experience a little redness or irritation around the treatment site, but this usually subsides quickly within 1-3 hours. More serious side effects are possible but very rare.


Am I a candidate for Botox?

If you have mild to moderate wrinkles or creases caused by repeated facial expressions, Botox® may be right for you. Wrinkles caused by skin laxity, facial volume loss, orother factors may respond better to dermal fillers such as Juvéderm®. During your initial consultation at Dr. Alexis Aesthetics & Dr. Alexis Health, your aesthetic specialist discusses your options with you in detail, so you can choose the treatment that best meets your needs.


What does Botox cost?

At Dr. Alexis Aesthetics & Dr. Alexis Health we are focused on getting you the results you deserve. Dr. Alexis has the expertise and knowledge to help you reach your treatment goals. Our prices typically begin at $295 for one treatment area of the face, and then ranges in price, dependent upon how many areas of the face need treated. We charge per area, not per unit, to get you the the best results that last!


Smoother skin and an appealing expression can be yours with a short, simple Botox® procedure. To schedule your Appointment or Complimentary Consultation for Botox®, call Dr. Alexis Aesthetics & Dr. Alexis Health today at 520-965-3685.


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